
Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Due to the continued reality of COVID-19, all singers, conductors, and audience members will be required to wear masks for rehearsals and performances. In addition, PMYC will mitigate risk as much as possible by continuing to practice physical distancing, use hand sanitizer regular, all for airflow and air exchange during rehearsals through the use of fans, HEPA filters, open windows, and regularly changing spaces.
Where are rehearsals held?
Rehearsals will take place at First United Church at 848 Lake Street. The Chorus entrance is on the north side, through the parking lot.
What are the different ensembles, and which one is right for my child?
PMYC welcomes singers from 2nd grade through high school. PMYC is four separate singing groups called ensembles. Each ensemble is designed to offer rewarding and fun performance opportunities and enriching experiences for your child to develop artistically, vocally and personally. The ensembles are: Primo Coro (2nd through 4th grade); Canterini (5th through 7th/8th grade); Harmonia (8th through high school); and A Cappella (8th through high school).
What's on the calendar?
All families receive an annual overview of events and concert, as well as regular newsletters with reminders. Performance highlights for our first semester are:
Oct. 26 Fall Concert
Dec. 4 Pro Musica sings with The Joffrey's "The Nutcracker"
Dec. 11 and 12 Sing We Joyous
Dec. 18 Holiday Sing, Downtown Oak Park
How much is tuition? Do you pro-rate for late enrollment?
Tuition this season is as follows -- and yes, we do pro-rate. If you're joining once the season has already begun, we'll adjust your fees accordingly.
Rates for 2021-22 are:
Primo Coro $420
Canterini $650
Harmonia $825
A Cappella $700
Harmonia & A Cappella $1265 ($260 discount!)
We offer sibling discounts as well as multi-ensemble discounts. We believe that cost should never be a reason for a child not to join PMYC to share in making music. Financial aid is available. Email pmyouthchorus@gmail.com for more information.